- This event has passed.
Class ‘A’ Regional Tournament
September 24, 2016
Click Here for a Printable Poster
Tournament Host: Sr. Master Landgren Lee & Mr. Anthony Landgren
Region 118 ATA Martial Arts
Location: Phoenix Convention Center
100 N. 3rd St. Phoenix, AZ 85004
In the West Hall Building on the 3rd Floor
Directions: Using I-10 Take Exit 1450 (7th St) and go South to Van Buren, Monroe or Washington. Using I-17 Take Exit 195 (7th St) and go north to Washington, Monroe or Van Buren. You will see signs for the Convention Ctr once you hit downtown.
Parking: Any pay lot near 1st & Monroe is very convenient to the West Hall. A less-expensive pay lot is a short walk at “Jefferson Street Parking” for $5.
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[dt_list style=”1″ bullet_position=”middle” dividers=”true”][dt_list_item image=””]Forms/Sparring—- $35[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]Traditional Weapons—- $25[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]Combat Sparring—- $25[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]1st Creative/Xtreme Event—- $25[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]Add’l Creative/Xtreme—- $15[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]Tournament Spectators ages 5 & up—- $7[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]Parking—- Additional/Varies[/dt_list_item][/dt_list]
First-Time Competitors: If you have never competed in a Regional Tournament, you will receive a discount! Only $20 to compete & everyone wins a trophy! This is our way of inviting you to join the ATA Family for a day of fun competition. Never competed before at all? Ask your instructor if the NOVICE division might be right for you. Note: Novice Registration Forms should be printed on color paper, not white paper.
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Hilton Garden Inn Phx Mid-Town
4000 N. Central Avenue est. $109 per night (602) 279-9811 www.hiltongareninn.hilton.com
Hyatt Regency Phoenix (closest to tournament)
122 N. 2nd Street, Phx est. $199 per night (888) 421-1442 www.phoenix.hyatt.com
Many hotels on Travelocity.com or Expedia.com for around $80 per night, about 4 miles away
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September 24th, 2016 TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE
Printable Version: [dt_button link=”https://ataarizona.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/9.24.16-Class-A-Tournament-Schedule.pdf” target_blank=”false” button_alignment=”default” animation=”fadeIn” size=”medium” style=”default” bg_color_style=”default” bg_hover_color_style=”default” text_color_style=”default” text_hover_color_style=”default” icon=”fa fa-chevron-circle-right” icon_align=”left”]PRINTABLE VERSION[/dt_button]
NOTE: NOVICE COMPETITION – Traditional Forms, Weapons, Sparring, Combat Weapons, Creative, and Extreme all go in the same ring.
NOTE: TRADITIONAL (POINT) COMPETITION – Traditional Forms, Weapons, Sparring, Combat Weapons in the same ring. Creative and Extreme following their traditional events in next available ring.
7:00 AM Doors open for registration
7:30 AM MANDATORY ADULT (18+) BLACK BELT MEETING (ALL Adult Black Belt competitor slips will be collected at this time, including Creative/Extreme)
NOTE: ADULT BLACK BELT COMPETITION will take place throughout the day as scheduled or as rings/judges become available.
8:00 AM ATA TIGER, Adults 50+, and Special Abilities to Line Up
9:00 AM ATA TIGERS, Adults 50+, and Special Abilities Begin
9:00 AM 8 & Under to Line Up
10:00 AM 9 & 10 to Line Up
11:30 AM 11 & 12, and Adults 40-49 to Line Up
1:00 PM 13 & 14, and Adults 18-29 to Line Up
2:00 PM Creative/ATA Extreme 15-17 and Adults 30-39
3:00 PM 15-17, and Adults 30-39 to Line Up
Please Note – This schedule is an estimate of times. As much as the tournament staff would like to give exact time. This schedule will vary depending upon the number of competitors and the number of available judges the day of the event.
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Other Things You Should Know:
- All trained ATA students in uniform can learn about judging first hand by volunteering to keep score or time in any ring. Neat writing and math skills are important.
- Register for Arizona 3-Day Martial Arts camp October 7th-9th, 2016 at the tournament. A $40 deposit to hold your spot is required to do so. Click for more info.
- The HU Lee Foundation will be present with a booth for you to support the ATA’s scholarship fund. Click for more info about HU Lee.
- If you forgot any gear the Body & Mind Sports Store will be present with a booth for purchases- card OR cash are accepted.
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Vendor Opportunities:
Host an exhibit for FREE if your business/organization is related to Sports, or to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) at all.
All other vendors may exhibit for $200.
Contact Camille Priest at cpriest@dignitykids.org for more information.
Registering as a First Time Competitor?
[dt_button link=”https://ataarizona.com/first-timer/” target_blank=”false” button_alignment=”default” animation=”fadeIn” size=”medium” style=”default” bg_color_style=”custom” bg_color=”#333333″ bg_hover_color_style=”custom” bg_hover_color=”#444444″ text_color_style=”custom” text_color=”#ffffff” text_hover_color_style=”custom” text_hover_color=”#dddddd” icon=”fa fa-chevron-circle-right” icon_align=”left”]1st Timers Click Here[/dt_button]
Registering a 3rd & Up Family Member?
After you finish registering the 1st & 2nd person here, click here to do the rest in order to receive your discounted registration. [dt_button link=”https://ataarizona.com/3rd” target_blank=”false” button_alignment=”default” animation=”fadeIn” size=”medium” style=”default” bg_color_style=”default” bg_hover_color_style=”default” text_color_style=”default” text_hover_color_style=”default” icon=”fa fa-chevron-circle-right” icon_align=”left”]3rd Family Members & Up[/dt_button]
Also Print & Complete the Following Forms & Bring Them With You to your ring: